What was I doing?

I have been so immersed in building code, and working so hard to create all the documents that must go with applications that I really can’t remember what the goal of all this was.

I am so consumed with trying to get to ADA compliant bathrooms in the space I have sacrificed my prep kitchen, storage space, changing rooms, etc. It has been so long I can’t remember why I need those things.

What does make me very cranky is when planners, or engineers or whoever tell me about restaurant rules as if they were an expert. I have been in and out of kitchens for decades so I don’t like it when some white-collar yutz reads the code book for the first time then acts like an expert.  Grrrrrr

Having said that my kitchen is now even tinier for accommodating all of the other needs. I am only worried about that old health department rule of not having anything bigger thanyour sink. You cannot have a pot that you can’t wash. Good rule, but I need big pots for my veal stock.