Worry about the government

Well after months of defending the government, who has been pretty supportive thus far, I am now seeing things in a Libertarian light.

The plumbing inspector, who you remember made us go through 7 inspections for the drains and water lines, came to do our final inspection. He flushed our hopes down the crapper, poured our plans down the drain etc. The damage: four days and five hundred dollars. That’s doneĀ  but the humiliation stays with us. He made us put in those dumb ass faucets that you push down (like in the greyhound bus station), he made us put a tempering valve on the hot water line to protect you from burning your little pingy’s, he made us put in those ghetto split front toilet seats (which isn’t even a plumbing code thing anyway, that’s the health department or somebody), and best of all: he made us move a toilet a half an inch. That’s right the inspector made us move the toilet a half an inch. So now it is really, really ADA compliant.

No wonder those crazy ass anti government people get so many votes. And now you know why bathrooms are so generic, bland, sterile, and dorky. I wanted to make a cool bathroom for you, with stylish vintage stuff, and wild colors, but the man had other plans. Sorry.